Our Capabilities

End-to-end services for your career cycle

Hire me

Hire me

Psychometric assessment

Our organisational psychologists are accredited in a multitude of psychometric assessments. We can provide advice on which instruments to use, and how to used them most effectively. We are all registered with the APS (Australian Psychological Society) and AHPRA (The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency).

Interview skills for managers

We can help line managers with interview skills on how to recruit the optimal candidates.

Position descriptions

We can help with writing or refining position descriptions

Teach me

Teach me

Facilitation of workshops

We design Leadership development programs around the needs of both the organisation and participants, so the organisation gets a return on investment in terms of talent development and the participants grow in their roles / careers.

Designing of learning materials

We use psychometric assessments to assess where your talent is currently, and what their potential is within the business. We use this data to design growth and development programs for all levels of staff, at an individual / team / organisational level.

Supervision of psychology interns

We can help you design, implement and roll out small and large scale assessment / development centres at all levels of the organisation using the best-in-practice tools and methodologies.

Grow me

Grow me

Leadership development programs

We have designed hundreds of workshops, webinars and training courses, all of which are fully bespoke to the organisation, aligned with the learning needs and strategy, so participants get the most out of the tailored programs. Here are some of the recent ones we’ve designed and facilitated.

Performance potential programs

Clients have the option of purchasing bespoke materials and using in-house trainers to run the sessions. We provide full train-the-trainer training.

Assessment and development centres

Our Board approved supervisors can supervise interns in either their clinical or organisational pathways.

Coach me

Coach me

Coaching & Executive coaching

We can design and help you implement in-house mentoring programs, from graduate level up to senior executives.

Mentoring programs

Our life and career coaches work with people at all levels of the organisation, for short and long term coaching. We ensure there is a unique match of coach and coachee.

Coaching & mentoring training

If you’d like to run a coaching / mentoring program in-house, we can design and facilitate a train-the-coach initiative to upskill your coaches / mentors.

Retain me

Retain me

Talent programs

We design Talent programs around the needs of both the organisation and participants, so the organisation gets a return on investment in terms of talent development and the participants grow in their roles / careers.

Succession plans

What do you do when your talent gets promoted? Do you have a succession plan? Do you “build or buy talent?” We can help you with talent strategy and succession planning.

Help me

Help me

Individual career counselling

We can assist with all career related issues, from change in career, transitioning, career counselling, post-pregnancy counselling and any related areas

Mental health and wellbeing programs

Do your managers know how to identify Mental Health issues in the workplace? What happens when your people have experienced a traumatic event? What happens when people are “not doing so well?” We take a proactive approach to Mental Health issues in the workplace – from wellbeing programs to mental health training.

Mental health counselling

We offer one-on-one counselling (with Medicare rebates) for issues such as anxiety, depression, coping during the pandemic, navigating in uncertain times and other life related issues.

Help my team

Help my team

Team building

Are your teams performing at their optimum? Are they derailing? We have a broad range of programs for Team building and enhancing cohesive teams.

Team strategy

Are your teams having interpersonal issues? Is there too much pettiness and not enough productivity? We can work with your teams to produce a strategy and way forward.

Help my organisation

Help my organisation

Leadership frameworks

Does your organisation have a Leadership Framework? We can help you build your own framework which aligns the rest of the business practices.

Organisational Development

Our OD professionals can help you with any OD related project, from small scale initiatives to large change interventions, so that the intervention produces positive and productive results.

Bespoke consulting projects

Anything else we can help you with? Our professionals have extensive experience in consulting and are just a call away to discuss your needs.

Transition me

Transition me


Have your business needs changed? Do you need to let people go? We can help with the career transition, outplacement and emotional journey that people may be going through in tough times.

Career exiting

Are your staff heading towards retirement? Do your executives have an exit strategy? How well are people prepared for the end of life career changes? We can assist with career exiting and helping people move on to the next part of their life journey.

Return to work parents

Have you got employees returning after maternity/paternity/long leave? Do they need some extra support? We can help with pre and post counselling to make the transition back into the workplace, after time out the business.


How can we take your people capabilities to the next level?


How can we help you with the next steps in fuelling your career?

Call us on 0416 805 456 or send an enquiry

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