Workshops, webinars & learning experiences
All our facilitation workshops, webinars and learning experiences are fully bespoke to our clients’ needs and business requirements.
We’ve designed and facilitated hundreds of them over the years, from one hour webinars to 5 day intensive training programs. We cater to all levels in the organization.
Here is a list of some of the ones we have done for other clients. We will collaborate with you and do a full analysis and scoping for your specifications so you get the right type of learning to maximize the participant experience and output.
Want to find out more about each one?
Hire me
In this half or full day workshop we cover all aspects of the interview process, starting from what a competency is, how to formulate a competency based interview, interview skills, tips and tricks, and lots of practical exercises to enhance their interview skills.
In this half day workshop we cover aspects of the workplace, such as how to promote diversity and inclusion, how to deal with sensitive issues and enhance a respectful working environment, both when recruiting and selecting people, through to the on-boarding process.
In this half day workshop we cover the issue of how unconscious bias can affect us when recruiting and selecting new recruits, unpack the definitions of unconscious bias, and strategies to avoid falling into those common traps.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke on-boarding training to suit your organisational needs.
Teach me (Technical skills)
In this half day workshop we focus on both face to face well as telephonic customer service skills, how to deal with all forms of customer types, promoting positive service, and using organisational specific case studies and scenarios.
In this one to two day workshop we cover all aspects of facilitation skills. This bespoke design will focus on how your internal trainers can train their people when rolling out large scale training interventions. The duration and nature of this workshop will depend on your organisational needs and projects.
In this short session we help line managers help their staff define and set work related goals, usually in line with performance initiatives. For individual contributors, we can assist in helping them with their personal development plans. This module can dovetail into other modules such as coaching, performance management, personal development and the like.
In this half day workshop we focus on ways to get people to think outside the proverbial box, how to be more creative when problem solving using a variety of methodologies. Depending on your organisation, we may use Design thinking, systems thinking or other methodologies.
In this short session we help people who regularly run meetings, how to do them more effectively and efficiently. Too often, we have meetings for the sake of meetings, with little action plans or outcomes. We focus on how to get the best out of your meetings. If it is a formal meeting, we can add in minute-taking skills below.
In this short session we help people who have to take formal or informal minutes of meetings. We focus on getting the best information from other people within the meetings so decisions or outcomes can be actioned. We can add this module to managing meetings effectively.
In this half day workshop or short session, we focus on ways to be more productive in a limited timeframe. We are not going to get more time in our day, so we focus more on prioritisation of work and life demands, and being more productive within your day.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke technical training to suit your organisational needs.
Teach me (People skills)
In this half day workshop we focus how we handle both our personal anger, as well as managing the anger of others, that leads to conflict. This module can also be added to others such as dealing with difficult customers and having courageous conversations. It is highly interactive with lots of practical exercises.
In this half day workshop or short session, we focus on ways to build your level of assertiveness, such as how to speak up when you're feeling uncomfortable, increase your levels of self-confidence and walk away feeling more confident the next time you have to assert yourself.
In this half day workshop, we dial up or down the level of communication skills needed for your requirements. We cater from basic communication skills to advanced communication skills needed in the workplace. This module dovetails well with other sessions such as assertiveness skills, influencing others and managing up.
In this half day workshop we focus on why our customers become angry, and methodologies on how to de-escalate the emotional situations. Participants leave equipped to resolve issues calmly and effectively so we retain our customers as well as our staff who may be exposed to difficult customers.
In this short session we help people who have to delegate to others. We look at the blockers to delegation and how to delegate effectively so that the job gets done, on time, and within the parameters. This module works well together with time management and prioritisation.
In this half day workshop we help participants to negotiate a variety of situations, depending on the role they are in, for example from negotiating a big sale to gaining a salary increase. This workshop is highly practical where participants get to use their newly learned skills to negotiate for a preferred outcome.
In this half day workshop or short session, we focus on ways to both give and receive feedback. We look at how to give balanced and objective feedback, whether it is part of performance reviews or general feedback in the workplace.
In this half day workshop, we focus on how to have those tricky conversations that we may experience during our lifetime. We generally don't like having those difficult conversations and often avoid them. We focus on a methodology to help you feel better prepared to have those conversations. This is an interactive session where participants get to practice their skills in a safe environment.
In this short session we help people who have to influence other people. Some people have formal authority to influence others, however, most of us work in organisations where we have to influence other stakeholders without the necessary authority to go with it. This is an interactive session where participants get to practice their skills in a safe environment.
In this short session we help people who want to learn how to manage their manager, whether it is getting your ideas across more effectively, managing their poor decisions in the workplace or get that next promotion. This is an interactive session where participants get to practice their skills in a safe environment.
In this one to two day workshop we cover all aspects of personal development. This bespoke design will focus on what your participants want to improve their skills on. The duration and nature of this workshop will depend on your organisational needs and projects.
In this one day workshop we cover all aspects of presentations that people are required to do as part of their work, without doing a "death-by-PowerPoint." The duration and nature of this workshop will depend on your organisational needs. Participants get at least 3 opportunities to present to their colleagues in a safe and constructive feedback based environment.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke inter-personal training to suit your organisational needs
Grow me
This is a fully bespoke program for new people leaders. We design the program according to your organisational needs. It usually extends over a period to give participants time to implement the skills and techniques from the program.
This is a fully bespoke program for graduates. We design the program according to your organisational needs. It usually extends over a period to give participants time to implement the skills and techniques from the program.
This is a fully bespoke program for emerging talent. We design the program according to your organisational needs. It usually extends over a period to give participants time to implement the skills and techniques from the program.
This is a fully bespoke workshop to help your team design and run an Assessment or Development Centre. We design the workshop according to your organisational/ L&D needs.
This is a fully bespoke workshop to help you design a performance-potential program, such as 9-box grids and other objective assessment techniques. We design the workshop according to your organisational/ L&D needs.
In this half day workshop or short session, we focus on what Emotional Intelligence is, what it looks like in the workplace, and how to increase personal self-awareness and impact on others.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke developmental programs or training to suit your organisational needs.
In this half day workshop, we focus on how to have those tricky conversations that we may experience during our lifetime. We generally don't like having those difficult conversations and often avoid them. We focus on a methodology to help you feel better prepared to have those conversations. This is an interactive session where participants get to practice their skills in a safe environment.
Coach me
In this half or full day workshop we help line managers become coaches. We use a practical coaching methodology to equip people with the skills to be a coach, either in or out the workplace. This is an interactive session where participants get to practice their skills in a safe environment.
In this half day workshop we help line managers interpret and understand how to give feedback on 360 tools, whether they are in-house 360's or external tools. This workshop focuses on 360 tools for development and career succession planning.
This is a fully bespoke workshop to help your team design and implement a mentoring skills program. We design the workshop according to your organisational/ L&D needs.
In this half day workshop we help line managers identify the elements of what motivates their people, how to engage their team and how to re-engage others when morale is low. We also include ways to self-motivate when they're feeling disengaged.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke development programs or training to suit your organisational needs.
Retain me
In this half day workshop we look at the impact of change has on our mental health and wellbeing, how to personally cope with all the changes (especially in our workplace). We use organisational specific case studies and examples.
This is a fully bespoke program for people leaders to get the best out of their teams. We help your L&D or OD team build succession plans according to your organisational needs and strategy.
This is a fully bespoke program for emerging talent. We help your L&D or OD team design and implement a high talent program for key identified talent.
This is a fully bespoke program for your graduates. We help your L&D or OD team design and implement a high talent program for key identified graduates to assist them in their future career within your organisation.
This is a fully bespoke program for new people leaders. We help your L&D or OD team design and implement a high talent program for recently promoted or "promotable" talent to assist them in their future career within your organisation.
We can design and co-create any other retention-based bespoke programs or training to suit your organisational needs.
Help me
In this half or full day workshop we focus on the positive side of mental health and wellbeing. We look at the factors that enhance or detract from our levels of resilience, and give practical strategies on building and enhancing the resilience of yourself and others.
In this half or full day workshop we equip people with the basic skills on how to have the conversations if you find yourself in the position of inadvertent counsellor, yet don't have any formal counselling skills. We are not going to make you psychologists. The aim of this is for people to feel comfortable and confident when finding themselves in tricky situations. Due to the sensitivity of this workshop, it is facilitated by a psychologist.
In this half or full day workshop we equip people with the basic skills on how to deal with difficult or complex personalities in the workplace. We focus on strategies to identify the complex personality types and how to deal with them effectively. These skills are transferrable to your personal lives.
In this half day workshop we focus on ways to what to do if you suspect or find out that someone is the victim of domestic or family violence. For managers, we look at organisational options and support. For individual contributors, we equip you with ways on how to have conversations with the parties involved. Due to the sensitivity of this workshop, it is facilitated by a psychologist.
In this half or full day workshop we focus on ways to what to do if you suspect someone is not doing so well in the workplace. We highlight signs of poor mental health, how to have the difficult conversations with the parties involved. For managers we add a section on how to differentiate between mental health issues and performance management. Due to the sensitivity of this workshop, it is facilitated by a psychologist.
In this half or full day workshop we focus on the different types of trauma in the workplace, whether it is direct or vicarious (secondary) trauma. For managers, we look at organisational options and support. For individual contributors, we equip you with ways on how to implement self-care strategies, based on the impact of the traumatic event. Due to the sensitivity of this workshop, it is facilitated by a psychologist.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke psychologically-based training to suit your organisational needs.
Help my team
In this half day workshop we focus on dealing with interpersonal conflict within the team. We look at the interpersonal dynamics that can arise when working with a multicultural, multi-generational or geographically dispersed team. We give strategies on how to promote a positive workplace environment, and a cohesive team spirit.
In this half day workshop we go further than the typical and traditional "team building" activities. We give you strategies on getting the best out of your team, and therefore building and maintaining a culture of high performance.
In this half day workshop we look at the impact of change has on our mental health and wellbeing as well as that of our teams. We look at the journey people tend to go through when dealing with change. We give people leaders the strategies to use so that they can successfully lead their people when going through change. We use organisational specific case studies and examples.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke team-based training to suit your organisational needs.
Help my organisation
In this half day workshop we focus on how to develop and promote a culture where people feel psychologically safe to speak out, overcome the bystander effect, and feel comfortable in having conversations when they feel their needs are not being met.
In this full day workshop we work with your L&D or OD team to develop bespoke Leadership Competency Frameworks, which can then be used for a multitude of organisational initiatives, such as training, development, succession planning, performance management and recruitment.
In this half day workshop we look at the impact of organisational change processes has on people's mental health and wellbeing. We can assist with your change interventions to ensure smoother transitions. We use organisational specific case studies and examples.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke organisationally-based interventions or training to suit your organisational needs.
Transition me
In this half or full day workshop we cover all aspects of the transition process, starting with the interview process, how to promote your personal branding, updating your resume so you stand out compared to other candidates and enhancing your social media presence (such as LinkedIn).
In this half day workshop we work with people planning their retirement from a mental health perspective. We assist them in preparing for the next phase of their lives in a positive and meaningful way.
In this half day workshop we work with people who are returning to the workplace after extensive time off from parental leave. It is for both mums and dads. We look at strategies on how to cope with adjusting back into the workplace, and balancing work and new parenting requirements.
We can design and co-create any other bespoke transitional training to suit your organisational needs.